Choosing Right Threaded Rod for U-bolts

Choosing Right Threaded Rod for U-bolts


Double-headed Threaded Rod, sometimes referred to as U-shaped bolt rods, are purchased from the manufacturer to bend U-bolts. These U-bolts may be bent by heavy truck repair shops, sometimes referred to as spring shops. They bend the size of the U-bolts to fix the leaf spring on the truck, from the tractor trailer to the dump truck and the snow plow. U-bolt bolts are commercially available, although some are not strong enough to bend 1-1 / 4 "diameter rods, these bars are usually used for larger 8-level trucks.

The rods have threads that are wound thereon to produce a stronger thread fit than that found during the cutting thread manufacturing process. The cutting thread removes the metal and has less surface area in contact with the interior of the mating nut. In general, you will find 9/16 "bars below the chamfer.

If the thread on the short rod is too much, when the bar is bent, the pole may break. This is especially true when the bending is on a square mold, since the force applied to the corner is greater than the force that the rod can handle. You may find a square bent U-bolt break, but this is usually an operator's error. Many places will bend a square U bolt in both operations instead of one, to alleviate this problem. Usually do not find circular bending of the U-bolt break, unless the steel's elasticity is too low. What is elasticity allows the reinforcement to stretch as it stretches around the corners.

Many smaller stores will only use springs and other distributors' hardware to order their threaded rods. While this may be easier, buying a bar directly from the manufacturer is always more cost effective. Even if this requires less to buy more rods, cost savings and factory direct availability are usually more than any inconvenience.